Welcome to the Marvin Project

Latest Plug-ins



Marvin Framework 1.5.4 released. This new version comes with improvements in the framework core, thresholding plug-in and alpha channel manipulation. New plug-ins: thresholdingNeighborhood e alphaBoundary. (FULL RELEASE)


Marvin Framework 1.5.4 released. This new version comes with framework improvements, boundaryFill bug fixed, new methods on MarvinPluginCollection and two new plug-ins: findTextRegions and findSubimage.


Marvin Framework 1.5.3 released. This new version comes with an importer of decisions trees induced using Weka, the new Watershed transform plug-in, new math features and many bugs fixed.


Marvin Framework 1.5.2 released. New plug-ins: Harris and Susan corner detection (from the new contributor Mihályi Martin), floodfill segmentation, color quantization and k-means.


Marvin Framework 1.5.1 released with small bug fixes.

Video Demonstration

These videos demontrate some image processing applications using Marvin Framework.

Courtesy of Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia.
Project director: Oscar Arias
Student: Julian Avellaneda